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Shaved Legs
  • Why wax? What are the benefits and what’s the difference between Waxing & Shaving?
    Shaving is essentially just cutting your hair at skin level. Razors cause ingrown hairs, razor burn, discoloration, itchy regrowth, etc. Waxing greatly reduces or eliminates those issues. Waxing also lasts longer! You get a solid 2 weeks of clean, hair-free skin when you get a Brazilian whereas with shaving, you get stubble and need to shave again within the next couple of days. There is no stubble, even as the hair grows back, it is finer, softer hair that is not itchy and uncomfortable. Waxing also causes way less hair to grow back. As you wax, you are damaging and sometimes destroying the follicle’s ability to produce hair. Over time, you have less and less hair. That will NEVER happen with shaving. Also consider how much time you are spending shaving every day or every couple of days VS the 20 minutes every few weeks you will be waxing.
  • How long does the hair need to be In order to wax?
    In the area where you intend to wax, your hair needs to be at least ¼ inch. That is about the length of a grain of rice. Generally, it takes about 2 weeks of not shaving (bikini area) for hair to grow to this length. Hair that is shorter is not long enough to get “stuck” in the wax and be pulled out.
  • Do I need to trim the hair?
    No. My technique and type of wax perform better with longer hair.
  • Does It hurt?
    I will be honest with you. Yes, it does. But only for the first few times! This is because your hair's pretty coarse before you wax for the first time, and you are not used to the sensation of waxing. So, when you actually do it, it can be a bit painful, and you may be in a little bit of shock the first time you pull a wax strip off. The good news is, that after you have waxed a few times, the pain should decrease as you do more sessions. This is especially true if you keep up with a regular waxing schedule, such as every 4-6 weeks. The less hair that grows back, the better. Not only will it grow back finer, but it will also be shorter, which will make it easier to remove. As a result, you should feel very little pain, if any at all.
  • How long does waxing last?
    This is a tricky question to answer as everyone is a little different. In the beginning, you may experience more growth and random hairs popping up in the 1-2 weeks after your appointment than you would after waxing for a few months. Once you have been waxing for 3-6 months, you experience around 2 weeks free of hair with 1-2 weeks of some random hairs beginning to pop up and then proceeding to reach ¼ inch (bikini area). Most people are ready to wax again at about 4 weeks for bikini, five for backs, around three for legs (lower) and underarms, upper legs 4-6 weeks. These are generalizations/estimates. It depends how long you have been waxing, how many active hair follicles you have, your after-care, whether or not you are shaving in between, the texture of your hair and how fast it grows, etc.
  • What else can I do to prepare?
    Besides making sure the hair is at least ¼ inch, wear a loose garment. You do not want to leave in anything tight or synthetic. For Brazilian clients, if you know you are sensitive, you can even bring a pair of clean, cotton underwear to put on afterwards. Also try to exfoliate and moisturize the area you intend to wax as soon as you decide to have the service performed. Exfoliation should be performed 2-3 times a week and you should try to moisturize at least every day or two. This will ensure there are no hairs just under the skin (common with shavers) that we will not be able to remove. Do not use numbing creams! They are hard to wax over, and they do not work.
  • Can I wax on my period?
    Absolutely! I do require that you wear a tampon for sanitary purposes. Also be aware, due to hormones, your service may be more uncomfortable during this time. It is not an absolute, but a definite possibility. Some people notice no difference during their cycle while others report a huge difference in pain/discomfort.
  • Can I bring my friend / kids in the room with me?
    NO. I need to direct my full attention to your service. I also need to be able to focus on educating you about what I am doing and why, the positioning you need to be in, your aftercare, etc. You need to direct your full attention to what is happening and what I am directing you to do.
  • What is eyebrow and face threading?
    Eyebrow threading is a hair clearing and drafting procedure in which a cotton thread is used to pull and twist along the areas with undesired brow hair. It clears the hair follicles from their root, but in such a way that does not includes any undesired pulling, making it a far easier and smoother of an experience than brow plucking is. Meanwhile, face threading is the similar procedure, although it also includes potential clearing areas such as chin and upper lip, as well as areas like sideburns. In other words, it is possible to use threading for almost any part of your face where one thinks they have undesired hair that are unwanted.
  • Does threading hurt?
    With any hair-removal technique, there will always be some level of discomfort. Threading, however, is the least painful. This is because the hair is removed directly from the root. If you have ever tweezed your brows, you can compare the feeling of threading to plucking five hairs at once.
  • How long does threading last?
    It merely depends on the types of hairs and varies from person to person. Full regrowth of hair can take place in the range of two to six weeks. Threaded hairs become weaker, and the regrown hairs are finer and light as the thread pull hairs from the roots.
  • How often should you get threading?
    It depends on the regrowth of hairs, and it varies from person to person. It is recommended to do your eyebrow and face threading every two to five weeks. That is usually enough time for the hair to regrow enough to obtain effective removal with threading. As the threading pulls out hairs from the root just like waxing, it lasts just as long.
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